The Archive/Counter-Archive presents: The Indigenous Archives Gathering  » School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
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The Archive/Counter-Archive presents: The Indigenous Archives Gathering 

Indigenous artists, curators, Knowledge Keepers, Elders, and memory workers gather with scholars from across Canada to discuss Indigenous media art archives.

Long histories and current realities of colonialism in Canada have made collective indigenous memory work and collections critical in the reclamation, preservation and growth of Indigenous culture on Turtle Island. The Indigenous Archives Gathering seeks to aid in that process. 

“The Archive/Counterarchive partnership project is at the forefront of conversations about championing and preserving moving image archives,” says AMPD Associate Dean, Research Dr. Laura Levin. “We are delighted to see Archive/Counterarchive co-produce The Indigenous Archives Gathering, a timely exploration of diverse approaches to archives and creative knowledge transmission led by Indigenous artists. This incredible event shows the wide-ranging impacts that the partnership is having on understandings of archives within IPBOC communities.” 

Co-produced by Archive/Counter-Archive and imagineNATIVE, the Gathering brought together Indigenous artists, film and media specialists, archivists Knowledge Keepers, Elders, memory workers, and scholars to explore different perspectives of access, engagement, and activation of archives in First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities and regions. 

The event, which took place at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, sought to help communities access intangible archives – those that exist in traditional memory institutions, artist-run centres homes/private life. The vital conversation allowed participants to share knowledge, and identify needs, best practices, and experiences about Canada's current state of Indigenous media art archives.  

The Indigenous Archives gathering was produced by Jennifer LeBlanc (Queen’s University), and curated by project management committee members: Janine Marchessault (York University), Aimée Mitchell (York University), Antoine Damiens (York University), Andrew Bailey (York University), and Dhvani Ramanujam (York University), with support from steering committee members: Linda Grussani (Convenor, Queen’s University), Jennifer Dysart (MFA York University, independent filmmaker), Niki Little (NFB North West Studio), Lisa Myers (York University), Julie Nagam (University of Winnipeg), Dylan Robinson (Queen’s University), Daina Warren (Urban Shaman), Stacy Allison-Cassin (Dalhousie University), and Naomi Johnson (imagineNATIVE).  

See the project website for the full list of credits.