Email Signature

Setting up your email signature in Lotus Notes:

  1. Download the HTML email signature file
  2. Save the file as a “Web page” to your desktop
  3. Open the file in Microsoft Word
  4. Customize with your contact information, replacing text enclosed in square brackets and XXXX in your York phone number (and if applicable, fax) and keeping text styling. For links, right click and select “Edit Hyperlink”.
  5. Save file – be sure to save it as a “Webpage”
  6. Within Lotus Notes, go to “File”, then “Preferences”
  7. Click “Mail” in the right hand column, then the “Signature” tab
  8. Click on the “T” icon, then “Import” and select your customized webpage file

Other email programs:

Download the email signature file in Word format and customize with your information as per 4) above; then save and insert into your email program.

For further assistance with setting up your email signature, contact