York University & AMPD is committed to creating an environment that values diversity, inclusion and providing a positive space for LGBTQ2S+* students. Below are a few resources to help support students and connect them to conversations, networks, and greater awareness. This will be updated proactively as more action is undertaken.
- The Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion provides a number of resources to support topics involving: Gender/ LGBTQ2S+*/Positive Space: https://rights.info.yorku.ca/lgbtq/. This includes name change forms, Student Groups & Clubs, York University guides and policies, and off-campus resources.
- Student Counselling, Health & Well-being provides:
- Support groups to discuss coming out, gender and sexuality, finding safe spaces on campus/during COVID-19, managing stress, connecting with broader community supports, and self-care:https://counselling.students.yorku.ca/group-counselling-schw
- and additional specific resources for further awareness and dedicated support:https://counselling.students.yorku.ca/lgbtq-resources
- Career Education & Development provides specific career resources for LGBTQ2S+* Students & New Grads: https://careers.yorku.ca/students-and-new-grads/resources-for-lgbtq-students
- YUPride is York’s dedicated page to celebrate Pride Month at York! This includes a section on Artists & Activism: https://www.yorku.ca/yupride/
- The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education provides workshops available for students, Faculty, Staff https://thecentre.yorku.ca/events-workshops/ & a Safer Spaces toolkit: https://thecentre.yorku.ca/files/2020/10/yorksvr-safer-spaces-toolkit-digital.pdf?x84945