Ian Garrett investigates artistic barriers to sustainable futures  » School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
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Ian Garrett investigates artistic barriers to sustainable futures 

Ian Garrett is helping the arts go green with the No Future: Developing Strategic Research Frameworks for Sustainability and the Arts Scholarship. The project will examine Canada's challenges and barriers to Sustainability and the Arts (SATA) research. 

Garrett and his research partner, Tarah Wright from Dalhousie University, are looking to start a significant dialogue between artists, scholars, decision-makers and practitioners about the Arts' role in creating cultural change for a sustainable future.  

The multi-year project began in Fall 2022. Garette has identified Canadian and global scholars, artists and practitioners who will work over four years to develop a comprehensive research strategy for the sector's future. 

No Future: Developing Strategic Research Frameworks for Sustainability and the Arts Scholarship received funding from Canada's Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council through an Insight Grant entitled, No Culture. 

Follow the Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts to keep up-to-date on the project’s latest developments.