What are the Visual Art Portfolio requirements? » School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
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What are the Visual Art Portfolio requirements?

Portfolio requirements vary by program.

    • Admission to the Art History (BA Honours) program is based solely on academic performance.
    • Admission to Visual Arts (BFA Honours) program is based both on academic performance and artistic merit. Both programs require the completion of a portfolio.

Portfolio Review Once you have applied to the program, you will receive an email that will include your reference ID and directions for completing the portfolio review. This email will be sent approximately 5-10 business days after you submit your application.

  • Visual Arts (BFA)
    • The applicant portfolio should comprise 8 artworks that illustrate the student’s technical and creative abilities. At least two different media should be presented from the following: drawing, photography, sculpture, digital art, printmaking, computer-generated imagery, painting, audio-video, experimental work. Slides or photographs are acceptable for large or awkward pieces but original, unmounted artwork is preferred. Your portfolio may include work carried out for class assignments as well as independent projects. A current sketchbook, idea book or journal is required and will count as one of your 8 pieces.