I need more time, how can I request deferred standing? » School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
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I need more time, how can I request deferred standing?

Occasionally, a student may become sick, have a personal/family emergency, or religious observance which requires them to ask for special consideration for an alternate date to write their final exam or submit their outstanding coursework beyond the last day of classes. Students in these situations may request deferred standing.

You must formally request deferred standing. The deadline to submit the information listed below is no later than one week after the missed examination or the last day of classes.

Most instructors will provide procedures and information about deferred standing in course outlines. Refer to those procedures for instructions specific to the course.

To apply:

  1. Download and complete the Final Exam/Assignment Deferred Standing Agreement.
  2. Gather any relevant supporting documentation. Health issues will require an Attending Physician's Statement.
  3. Contact your instructor to review the form and receive approval for deferred standing. If the instructor does not approve the form, you may choose to submit an academic petition. Note that petitions may not be successful.
  4. Submit the signed, approved deferred standing form to the academic department which offers the course. Please ensure you keep a copy for yourself.
  5. Work towards completing the course work and/or writing the exam as per the agreed timeline on the signed form.