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Beads of change

Beads of change

York U curator champions Inuit food sovereignty through international collaboration

AMPD Professor Janine Marchessault builds international alliances among community-led media archives

AMPD Professor Janine Marchessault builds international alliances among community-led media archives

Janine Marchessault, a York University professor and York Research Chair in Media Arts and Community Engagement who recently received a prestigious Killam Prize, is building alliances between institutional and community-led media archives from around the world through efforts like the Global Audiovisual Archiving (GAVA) Conference and more.

Prestigious Ella Fitzgerald Scholarship Renewed at AMPD with $20,000 Top-Up

Prestigious Ella Fitzgerald Scholarship Renewed at AMPD with $20,000 Top-Up

The Ella Fitzgerald Foundation has generously renewed its endowment to the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD) with an additional $20,000 for the prestigious Ella Fitzgerald Scholarship. This scholarship is open to AMPD students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement, creativity and financial need. "We deeply appreciate the ongoing support for our students […]

York professor awarded nearly $1M for Indigenous metaverse project

York professor awarded nearly $1M for Indigenous metaverse project

Maya Chacaby, a sociology professor at York University’s Glendon Campus, has received nearly $1 million in federal funding for her Indigenous-led metaverse project, Biskaabiiyaang: Creating a Path Towards Healing and Reconciliation. Co-applicants include Rebecca Caines from AMPD and Robyn O’Loughlin from the New Brunswick Ministry of Education, with York and the Nokiiwin Tribal Council as partners.