AMPD Equity Plan Monthly Update: September 2022 » School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
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AMPD Equity Plan Monthly Update: September 2022

AMPD Equity Plan Monthly Update: September 2022

September 2022

With the start of the academic year, actions related to the AMPD Equity Plan will again be updated monthly. Some of the actions recorded here began over the summer months. Future updates will be posted in the early days of each month.

Over the summer, the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion dedicated equity advisors to faculties. Miriam Greenblatt is appointed to AMPD and will be available in person weekly and virtually at other times. The Dean, Director of Students and other members of the Dean’s Office have met regularly with Miriam.

With respect to concrete recommendations in the Equity Plan:

Diversifying AMPD
Structural Recommendation 2:

To address the need for greater equity in hiring and diverse representation among faculty, 3 AMPD searches are participating in a hiring pilot project designed to integrate best practices within the search process. This will provide new data in comparison to other ongoing searches in the School and inform future hiring practices.

Accountability and Transparency
Structural recommendations 1c:

There are conversations underway with the Division of students around creating an interdisciplinary team which would be a place to take up complaints from students who don’t want to bring a formal complaint through OSCR/REI. Early planning stages.

Structural recommendation 2: Plans for a student census underway this year, as well as a climate survey across the university. The questions for staff self-identification are being updated as well to align with the student census.

Practices of Exclusion
Structural recommendation 2:

Ameera Ali has been hired this year as an Educational Developer, EDI with the Teaching Commons. Ali has been with the Dance department, providing advice and resources. The Teaching Commons have also created an Equity, Decolonization, Diversity, and Inclusion Community of Practice
(See also Curriculum and Teaching Practicable recommendations.)

Other Actions
The Department of Dance has articulated a core values statement, presented in the Department townhall, Sept. 2022.