AMPD Alum Appointed Executive Director of Toronto Fringe » School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
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headshot of Rachel Kennedy

AMPD Alum Appointed Executive Director of Toronto Fringe

In advance of the 36th Annual Toronto Fringe Festival, the non-profit charitable organization has announced the appointment of York University Theatre Alum Rachel Kennedy as the new Executive Director and co-lead.

Rachel Kennedy, Toronto Fringe Executive Director

Joining Kennedy in this appointment is Laura Paduch, who will assume the position of Managing Director and co-lead. This new
leadership team will work together to execute the vision and mission of the Toronto Fringe while overseeing the management and operation of the organization.

Kennedy, a 2014 graduate of York University with a BA Hons in Devised Theatre, has left a mark on the Canadian theatre scene since her academic journey at the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design. Through her previous work at Playwrights Guild of Canada, Theatre Ontario, Next Generation Showcase and Toronto Arts Council/Toronto Arts Foundation, she has been connecting with artists across Toronto and beyond as they develop their practices and seek to increase equity within our sector.

The Toronto Fringe Organization runs Ontario’s largest theatre festival, which takes place every summer in July. Since 1989, the festival has maintained an unjuried format, where shows are selected through a lottery system rather than curated. This approach ensures an open stage for anyone with a story to share. The 2024 Toronto Fringe Festival will take place July 3 to 14, 2024.

Read the full press release from Toronto Fringe here.